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作者:Hilary Huo  来源:本站原创  发布时间:2006-10-30 13:28:36  发布人:admin

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  When Clinton sees the young lady who is sitting at a table in a café, he is astonished. Isn’t it Catherine? No doubt, it is she. It was just at this town they had their honeymoon 8 years before. It is so coincidental they meet here again. Though they haven’t seen each other for over 6 years, he has been thinking of her every minute.

  He comes over and takes a seat opposite to her. The girl is also pleasantly surprised. At this time they are both observing each other , hoping to detect everything from the eyes.

  She is more attractive than before. Though 6 years have passed, she is not a bit older. Time leaves no trace on her.

  He is much thinner, she thinks, but this makes him look handsome and energetic.

  She tells him she is on her way back from a holiday and has a few hours’ stay here. He explains that he is having some business matter here and will leave tomorrow. Both of them believe it is fated they meet here.

  They ask for two cups of coffee and start talking about their lives all through these years.

  For some reason he can’t explain, Clinton feels he is anxious to know whether she got married again. With a little nervousness, he asks,” How about your husband and children?” Catherine is a little surprised, then says quietly,” I have been along all these years, and still live in our old house.” His heart is filled with a strange delight on hearing these words.

  But the girl is sure that he must have had a wife now. She feels a nameless sorrow at this idea.

  There is still plenty of time before the train which Catherine will take starts, so they leave the café to take a walk round the town, which has not changed much during the past 8 years. The scene, which seems so familiar and dear to them, makes them recall the past.

  Those old sweet memories take them back to the old days when they were still in love with each other. In the streets, shops and churches they find their old days’ trace. Those were beautiful and unforgettable days.

  But after having got married, they found things changed unconsciously. They couldn’t get along with each other, and quarreled every day, only to find that they had hurt each other so deeply. At last, they had no choice but to divorce.

  Just at this moment, Catherine suddenly remembers it is time she left, or she will miss the train. A strong reluctance caresses her. She realizes she never stops loving him ; he is the only man she ever loved.

  To buy a magazine, Clinton takes out his wallet, from which a picture drops off. It is the picture of Catherine. With heart beating more and more fast, she is filled with excitement and gratification. He approaches her, looks into her eyes and kisses her from face to lip, which he had kissed numerous times before.

  The train starts. She can’t control her feeling and cried out,” Clinton! “ Holding her hands tightly and running after the train, he says,” I will go to you this weekend. Goodbye, Catherine.”

  “ I know no one is as good as you. ”

  Astonish: surprise (sb.) greatly
  Coincidental: happen similar events or circumstances at the same time by chance
  Observe: see and notice
  Energetic: full of done with energy
  Trace: mark, sign, track etc showing what has happened
  Caress: loving touch or stroke
  Gratification: state of being pleased or satisfied
  Numerous: very many

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