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作者:Solomon  来源:本站整理  发布时间:2006-10-30 12:33:45  发布人:admin

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—— Solomon


My dear boy,

  I shall be coming to the city on Thursday next. It would be very nice if you could take me to lunch or dinner somewhere.

Your aunt Nadia

  My aunt Nadia was my mother’s sister. She looked after us as her children when my mother was ill. She was very strict, but she made no silly rules(愚蠢的规定). She let us do what we liked so long as we weren't a trouble to others or a dangers to ourselves.

  She is quite wealthy(富裕), I believe, but she lives in a cottage(农舍) in the country, with only one servant-girl(女仆) to look after her and do all the work in the house, but once or twice in the year she comes to the city to buy clothes and perhaps go to the theatre.

  At the time of this story I was in ma first year at the university. My father had a large family, and I had only five pounds a month to live on. That ought to have been(本应是)enough, but I was often in difficulties(手头拮据). When other fellows asked me to join them a party, it was hard to say “NO”, so I said “YES”, even if (即使) it meant going without my dinner next day. In fact, at the moment when my aunt's letter arrived, I had only twenty shillings(先令) to last me until the end of the month, but I couldn't refuse.

  I knew of a nice little restaurant where I could get lunch for three shillings each. That would leave me fourteen shillings to last until the end of month.

  “Well”, said my aunt, “where shall we go? I never eat much for lunch, just one dish(一道菜), so let's go somewhere nice.

  I led her in the decision(方向) of the little restaurant, but suddenly she pointed across the road to the Grand Palace(豪华宫). “Can’t we go there? That looks very nice.”

  “Oh, very well, if you like better then the place where we were going,” I said. I couldn't say, “My dear aunt, I haven’t enough money to take you to the grand place. It’s far too expensive, it cost far too much.” I thought, “Perhaps I have enough for just one dish.”

  The waiter brought the menu(菜单). She looked at it. “Ah!” she said, “Can I have this?”

  It was chicken cooked in some French way(某种法国式烧鸡), the most expensive thing on the menu: Seven shillings. I order(点菜) for myself the dish which cost last--the cheapest thing on the menu-- three shillings. That left me ten shillings to last till the end of the month. NO! -- Nine shillings. Because I must give the waiter a shilling.

  “Would the lady like anything while this is being prepared(当我们做菜的时候)?” said the waiter. “we have caviar(鱼子酱).”

  “Caviar!” cried the aunt Nadia. “Ah yes --- those fish-eggs(鱼子) from Russia! Now, that would be lovely! Can I have some caviar?”

  I couldn’t say “No, you can’t.” because that will leave me only five shillings to last until the end of the month. So she had a large helping of(一大份) caviar--- and a glass of wine with the chicken . That left me only four shillings. Four shillings would buy enough bread and cheese for a week. But just as she finished the chicken she saw a waiter with cream cakes.

  “Oh!” she said, “those cake looks nice. I can't resist(抗拒) cream cakes! Just one very little one!”

  That left three shillings. Then the waiter brought some fruit, she must have some. And then, we must have some coffee after such a nice lunch. That left nothing! Not even a shilling for the waiter.

  He brought the bill: twenty shillings. I put twenty shillings on the plate, nothing for the waiter.

  “Is that the money you have got left?” she asked.

  “Yes, aunt.”

  “And you’ve spent it all on giving me a nice lunch. That’s very kind of you--- but it was very silly.”

  “Oh, no, aunt.”

  “You are learning language at the university?”

  “Yes, aunt.”

  “What is the most difficult word to say in any language?”

  “I don’t know, aunt.”

  “It is the word ‘No’. As you grow up to be man, you have got to say ‘No’, ---even to a lady. I don't knew that you have enough money for this restaurant, but I wanted to teach you a lesson. So I went on ordering the most expensive things and watching your face--poor boy!”

  She paid the bill, and gave me five pounds as a present.

  “Oh dear!” she said, “ that lunch nearly killed your poor aunt! My usual lunch is just a glass of milk.”


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